Why Yadkin Path?
We are a place that, unlike many schools, meets far more than basic physical needs or academics. We are a home away from home that nourishes your child's emotional well-being and mental health; we are a Montessori school that specializes in nurturing cognitive development; and we are a mini-community for your child, modeling positive real-world interactions in a safe, loving environment.
What does this mean for your child?
He or she will receive the opportunities and aid needed to become a balanced, inquisitive, confident, kind individual with a strong sense of self, love of learning, and the social skills to navigate the future.
What do we have to offer?
Child-centered curriculum: The phrase "child-centered" is trending right now, but what does it actually mean? Maria Montessori recognized the benefits of following the child long before "child-led" became a buzzword. At Yadkin Path it means that every item in the classroom serves a purpose for the child, is chosen to honor individual interests, and is supported by developmental research. It means our teachers carefully observe and know your child, tailoring new opportunities, materials, and lessons according to readiness and interest. Children are encouraged to recognize when they are tired, hungry, or need to go to the restroom and independently respond to those internal cues.
Space: Our spacious classrooms have almost double the square footage per child that other daycares offer and we are the only facility in the county with meadows and wooded acreage for outdoor play.
Nature: Our children work closely with the environment, studying firsthand such subjects as ecology, natural history, and horticulture. They average several hours per day outdoors, compared to just 30 minutes per day at some schools. We have goats, chickens, and kitchen gardens for the children to enjoy.
Materials: Wherever possible, we use natural and beautiful materials and many of our "toys" are child-sized versions of everyday items with a practical life emphasis. Our children use real brooms, mops, and tools daily, as well as Montessori materials designed to isolate specific cognitive and academic concepts. They also have many sensorial, language, and creative activities to choose from.
The Infant Environment: Ours could be described as undaycare. It's a cozy, calming, beautiful space with no bouncers, jumpers, exersaucers, or any other apparatus that would contain our babies and limit their mobility. These items are too often used for the adult's convenience, and instead our priority is the children. These devices contradict our goal of developing self-direction and motor skills. All infants capable of sitting enjoy their snacks and meals together at a low table, and practice drinking from real (tiny) cups and eating with metal cutlery. Our infant environment strives as much as possible to be your child's home away from home.
Lower and Upper Elementary Programs: Elementary students between the ages of 6-12 work in multi-age classrooms; the Lower El students are between the ages of 6-9 and the Upper El between the ages of 9-12. At some point in each 3 year cycle of learning, all students will receive lessons on all the work. Students are free to progress at their own pace, learning in a low-stress, non-competitive environment. Our students do not have homework, and learning is experiential. Lessons are given using hands-on materials designed by Maria Montessori herself, and instead of being administered quizzes or tests on what they have learned, our guides observe the students closely and only give the next lesson once mastery of the materials has been demonstrated.
Adolescent Program: More information coming soon - enrolling 12 and 13 year old (or rising 7th grade) self-motived, independent, curious students, preferably with experience in non-traditional educational settings for the 2023-2024 school year, with the goal of growing with the students each year. Call or email with your questions regarding this program.
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